GOD help us all if there is anyone out there with the same attitude to life as you, Mr Bastin ('Have transport cops lost plot on railways?', Letters, September 21).

I hope that in your lifetime you do not have to suffer the grief and heartache the Maud family have suffered after the loss of Leonard Maud, father, grandfather and great grandfather after such a horrific accident.

I was appalled to read your letter. I have never heard anything so selfish and disrespectful.

The police have a job to do and, in view of the fact that there had been a death, questions needed to be answered.

If there has been a death the police treat any scene with the same amount of professionalism and safety, whether it be road or rail. I am sure if a member of your family had been involved you would have expected a thorough job to be done. The police did their job and, considering what happened the railway found the best alternative it could.

Compassion, a word I think you may not be very familiar with, Mr Bastin, is what has been shown to the Maud family by everyone but you. The last thing my husband, a grandson of Mr Maud, needed to see was your disgusting letter filled with self indulgence.

I understand how annoying it is when trains are cancelled and delayed but I think, in this instance, it was understandable why trains were cancelled that day. Train users would have found it a huge inconvenience but held their tongue out of respect for Mr Maud, his family and friends.

Airing your views in such a manner was very inappropriate and in very bad taste.

Kate Maud,

Peasey Hills Road, Malton.

Updated: 10:09 Monday, September 26, 2005