DELIGHTED as I am that so distinguished a correspondent as Mr Enticknap should have taken the trouble to reply to my remarks about the proposed T-Mobile mast in Heworth, York, (Letters, September 22), I am at a loss to understand how he has come to interpret them the way he has.

I neither said - nor meant to imply - that no one but me had the right to use a mobile. Indeed, the emergency use to which his medical uncle refers is precisely the kind I wholeheartedly endorsed in my letter.

I even accept his point that there may be a case for using camera phones to transmit pictures of wounds to the emergency services but - as a first aider myself - I suspect this would only add to the delay in most cases.

As for my remarks about "gurning" and "happy-slapping"; perhaps I did over-egg the pudding a little, but I suspect that exaggeration for effect is a trait I am more than happy to share with Mr Enticknap himself.

J E Muldowney,

Second Avenue,

Heworth, York.

Updated: 10:10 Monday, September 26, 2005