TODAY our yes man MP Hugh Bayley will once more follow his leader Mr Blair and vote with him for the imposition of a national database and ID card system on all of us.

The parallels of Mr Blair's increasing authoritarian regime with that of Adolf Hitler are alarmingly similar.

Hitler used an IBM computer punch-card system to help identify people and organise them into categories - and we all know where that led.

Hitler made everyone carry ID papers at all times and also allowed his secret police to detain and imprison those considered undesirables without due process of law.

Hitler took away the rights of people to peacefully protest and used his henchmen, the brown shirts, to break up protesters, beat them up and detain them under state laws.

Hilter invaded other countries based on subterfuge, lies and deception.

Yes, people of York, coming soon to a place near you watch out for the sound of footsteps, the tap on the shoulder and that chilling refrain, "Papers, please".

So Mr Bayley think again, think of the future and do not vote with yesterday's man.

T Scaife,

Manor Drive North, York.

Updated: 09:15 Tuesday, October 18, 2005