YET another gloom and doom scenario is dominating newspaper headlines and radio and TV broadcasts. Bird flu is the latest horror confronting this country.

Let's face it, the figures are truly horrific - no less than 60 people have died over the past three years, from a world population of more than six billion.

Why are we continuously bombarded with horror stories about what may happen should bird flu arrive? And then, if it infects humans it could, possibly, mutate and then, maybe, be passed from human to human with a good chance there will be thousands of deaths.

Wow! If it's not bird flu that will see us all off it's global warming, excessive smoking or having a tincture too many.

As Mrs Mop used to say in radio show ITMA, "It's being so cheerful as keeps me going..."

Come on Brits! Get a grip and consider these lurid forecasts of doom and gloom with mild curiosity, a touch of humour and then get on to the more serious issues like planning for Christmas and stuff like that.

And I can assure readers that I know how bad flu can be, having had a bad dose of the Hong Kong variety in 1966. I have never felt more poorly before or since!

Philip Roe,

Roman Avenue South,

Stamford Bridge.

Updated: 09:56 Friday, October 21, 2005