THE Mystery Plays to be staged on pageant-wagons next summer will be anything but "miniature". ("Playing It Again", November 10).

This magnificent spectacle at stations throughout the city cannot include all the plays in the cycle, but nor by any means will what you call the full production in five years' time.

The wagon plays will offer an exciting, passionate, accessible version of the plays; authentic and scholarly, perhaps, and very close to the medieval experience, but no less important than the shortened, modified, indoor version.

No celebrity Jesus, not much modern dress or language, no electric or electronic special effects; but music, colour, mechanical clouds and hell-gates, and every bit as much beauty and horror and humour and awe as the Minster version in 2010 is likely to have.

Why not take part next year? Whoever you are, you'll be welcomed - there's bound to be something you can do.

You'll never regret it or forget it.

Charles Hunt,

Wilton Rise,


Updated: 10:34 Tuesday, November 15, 2005