AT the full council meeting last week, Coun Ann Reid described the testing of the "green wave" emergency vehicle priority system for her daughter's wedding convoy as "a success", in her answer to a question I submitted.

Given the furore that erupted internationally afterwards, it seemed a strange term to use.

However, it did strike a chord with Coun Galloway's use of the same word to describe the fireworks night fiasco, and Coun Waller's assessment of the new waste collections.

I think we would be better off without any more Liberal Democrat "successes".

Coun Reid should do the honourable thing and step down in her role as the city's transport chief while the investigation into her conduct by the Standards Board is ongoing.

Coun Mark Hill, Green Party,

City of York Council,

Reginald Grove, York.

Updated: 10:49 Monday, November 21, 2005