IN response to Mr M Vaughan's generous offer to provide a lighting display to match that at the West End of York Minster (Letters, November 14), I would be delighted to cough up all of the £60 he claims will enable him to put on a work that reproduces the "same effect" as the illumination artwork by Patrice Warrener.

Let him submit his plans to the Evening Press, showing the equipment he intends to use and how it will match Warrener's stunning work and, assuming Kevin Booth, the editor, thinks it will be a viable and fitting artwork for York, I will happily sponsor it to the tune of £60 so we can all enjoy it.

It is hugely comforting to know that we have local geniuses able to deliver quality work at such modest cost. Assuming his first display is a great success, he will no doubt be receiving commissions from all over the country.

Coun Christian Vassie

Liberal Democrat,

City of York Council,

Blake Court,

Wheldrake, York.

Updated: 10:50 Monday, November 21, 2005