MY heart goes out to Ms Tucker (Letters, November 16), who, although she lives in London, names York Minster as her home church.

But the geographical challenge she faces in order to meet and be challenged by fellow Christians (as all Christians must) should not be used as an excuse for lazy thinking.

Ms Tucker claims that His Grace's appointment was based on political correctness, as he has been bishop for only six years and was theologically under-qualified. These are falsehoods.

John Sentamu received his doctorate (his fifth degree) in 1984, and was consecrated bishop in 1996.

Since Ms Tucker is so willing to overlook these matters of public record, her other points are surely unworthy of detailed response.

One wonders what her real objection is?

The Rev Patrick Morrow,

Western Crescent, Lincoln.

Updated: 10:53 Monday, November 21, 2005