FESTIVE fundraisers are planning to bring Christmas cheer to the Guardian Angels appeal.

Patients on York Hospital's children's ward have designed Guardian Angels Christmas cards, with proceeds going to the appeal.

Sponsors are now needed to help with printing and distribution costs, before the 10,000 cards hit the shelves.

Peter Bebb, who is on a fundraising committee for Guardian Angels, said he would welcome offers of sponsorship from businesses or retailers prepared to sell the cards in their shops.

"There will be four designs in each pack of ten cards and they will include a Christmas tree and angels," he said.

"They will sell for about £3.50 a pack.

"We thought Christmas cards would help us raise some money, but we have to get moving with them quickly so any offers of help would be greatly appreciated."

Other businesses involved include Top Occazzions and CPI OfficePoint.

If you can help with the cost of the cards, phone Peter on 01904 656314 or email peterb@peterbebb.co.uk.

Meanwhile, tickets for York's annual community carol concert have been flying out of the box office. About 1,200 seats are already filled for the concert, at the Barbican Centre on Sunday, with just over 200 left to sell.

Money will be split between Guardian Angels and the Lord Mayor of York's charity.

Organiser Graham Bradbury said he was delighted.

"Although we never expected to sell out with the concert being held in November, the more tickets we sell the better chance we have of achieving our aim of a £1,000 donation to both the Guardian Angels Appeal and the Lord Mayor's Christmas Cheer Fund," he said.

The concert will feature Tadcaster Grammar School Band, Queen Margaret's School Junior Choir, Stamford Bridge Primary School Choir, Abbey Belles, Steel Expression, and soloist Steve Cassidy.

The musical director will be John Warburton, with the Reverend Andrew Foster, who is a full-time chaplain at York Hospital, as master of ceremonies.

Tickets cost £5 and are available from the box office at the Grand Opera House, Monday to Saturday, between 10am and 6pm, cash or cheque payment only.

City of York Council and Barbican operators Absolute Leisure have provided free car parking permits for the Kent Street and Barbican car parks and these can be collected if required when concert tickets are bought.

The Evening Press has 20 pairs of tickets to give away. To win a pair, send us the answer to this question: Which two charity funds will benefit from the concert?

Entries should be sent to Charlotte Percival, Newsdesk, Evening Press, PO Box 29, 76/86 Walmgate, York, YO1 9YN by Wednesday.

Updated: 10:56 Monday, November 21, 2005