THE York Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) wholeheartedly endorses the stance set out in the Evening Press Comment column condemning the British National Party, and reminds readers of the role that religious education in the city's schools plays in promoting tolerance and understanding amongst those within and outside faith groups.

The syllabus is designed to develop the kind of "friendship, understanding, listening and hearing" referred to by Dr John Sentamu as Archbishop of York in his inauguration sermon, in order to combat the kind of racism and intolerance he has himself had to face.

Multiculturalism has existed on these islands probably for as long as they have been islands. But it is only by educating our children to be accepting of other cultures and faiths by educating them about them from an early age regarding the similarities and differences.

Dr David Sellick (Church of England),

Mick Phythian (Humanist),

Joint chairmen,


Education and leisure,

City of York Council,

Mill House, York.

Updated: 10:57 Monday, December 05, 2005