How noble of David Cameron, the new Conservative leader, to want to be the champion of the poor.

Exactly who are these poor people? Does he mean the sick, lame and lazy who live off the backs of the taxpayer through the benefits system, some of whom deem it their right to top up their payments with the odd burglary? Or could he mean for once looking after the downtrodden, hardworking, law abiding and overtaxed poor souls in the middle desperately trying to keep their heads above water after years of Labour Party stealth taxes?

After a lifetime of work and paying into the system the pensioner, if he or she has lived frugally, has put something aside for a rainy day. Then to have their pittance taxed is just a kick in the false teeth.

If this chap is serious about becoming the next Prime Minister he should bite the bullet and state clearly that no income tax is to be taken from pensioners, and make up the deficit by cutting benefits to the people who have no intention of contributing to the system.

Mr Cameron says he will ditch Thatcher's legacy. He will do well to remember it was the surplus in the economy left by her government and continued Tory policy in this Labour government that has kept this government afloat.

As for the third world poor which he has pledged to help: Bob Geldof is doing OK. Get this country sorted first.

Bob Waite

Windmill Rise,

Holgate, York.

Updated: 09:00 Thursday, January 05, 2006