I WAS a member of Stagecoach Youth Theatre for 13 years and throughout that period it provided me with not only a foundation in theatre but a foundation in life.

John Cooper has the amazing ability to challenge and encourage the young people, far more than any teacher of mine ever did.

Kids are given freedom of speech, freedom of thought and responsibility, as performers, directors, administrative staff and theatre technicians.

Since leaving (because I unfortunately became too old) I have seen the younger generation grow, and have witnessed the development of shy, quiet children into confident talented performers.

When I was bullied at school and struggling to cope with my parents' divorce at home, Stagecoach was my only escape, and it never failed me; it built my self-confidence and taught me to vent my anger and frustration of adolescence and puberty in a constructive way.

But, most importantly, Stagecoach gave me ambition and the ability to fight for that ambition. More than anything, I am grateful for the head start, and I am angry and upset that such a powerful developmental tool may not be available to future generations because of funding cuts.

Angharad Ormond,

Park Grove,


Updated: 11:11 Friday, January 13, 2006