HOW laughable that the city council has told Mr Earnshaw, of Earswick, York, to stick a sock on his cock (hey, someone had to say it).

Perhaps if those living close to Leeds/Bradford airport complain about aircraft noise, the council will advise the necessary parties to stick silencers on their jet engines.

Maybe if homeowners living close to railway lines complain, Network Rail will be forced to lay rubber tracks.

And if I complain loudly enough about the noisy wagons passing my home at all hours of the day will the council insist transport companies lay my road with felt?

This is a joke.

If the unhappy homeowners have problems sleeping, stick in some earplugs or leave. It's the countryside and they chose to live in it... cock cries and all.

Karl Senior,

Bishopthorpe Road,


Updated: 10:16 Saturday, January 14, 2006