A FEW weeks ago a reader wrote in moaning about people, well, moaning in letters to the Evening Press (such is life!), which rather defeated the purpose of that letter (December 17).

As I am writing this letter, it crosses my mind why anyone should be interested in reading what I have to say.

However, the local press is one of the few means available to members of the public (the majority) to criticise decisions made by a handful of people which affect all our lives, who we may feel are abusing their powers, not following their mandate or are failing to react to our views.

Readers' letters should be looked upon by politicians and others in power as a barometer of public opinion. They may choose to ignore what they know the majority wants as, collectively, it waves a feeble fist at them.

But the time will arrive once more when they are forced to listen and abide to the collective writing of the majority - that simple cross written on a ballot paper.

T Scaife,

Manor Drive,


Updated: 09:39 Saturday, January 21, 2006