Are the members of City of York Council ever going to accept responsibility for their actions?

Mostly, they seem to blame the previous ruling body for their "inheritance" - still.

There was the sledgehammer to crack a nut with the closing of Walmgate Bar to all traffic, there were the exorbitant car park changes, the closure of care homes where people considered themselves to be "at home" (forget it folks, you might as well be wrapped in brown paper with a stamp on it saying deliver anywhere you can). Now there's the taking of (hot) food out of the mouths of the vulnerable elderly and replacing it with frozen. Why not put a stick in it, they can suck it like an ice lolly! There's the discontinuation or reduction in funding for young persons' activities - Okay kids, you might as well just congregate on the street corners now. What about the publicised "secret" firework display - seek and ye shall find?

Now the Barbican fiasco. This time the blame is laid on the shoulders of the people who tried to protect their environment and lifestyle. The Liberal Democrat-run council says it's the fault of those people that the price dropped from £9.5 million to £7.05 million. Now how did that happen? Whoever heard of such a prime site in York dropping in value? On the contrary, it should have risen.

We're told there will be a pool in the new hotel. Will it be open as a public pool, available any time to outsiders, to school parties, to parents and babies? I think not.

With all the opposition from the Labour councillors about what's been done by the Liberal Democrats, if they get back into power, are they going to reverse the decisions they disagree with?

Janet S Kitchen,

Ashley Park Road,


Updated: 10:24 Tuesday, January 31, 2006