A COUPLE who both enjoy running have decided to take part in their first half-marathon - and the Evening Press Guardian Angels appeal is set to reap the financial benefits.

Zoe Woods, of Linton-on-Ouse, said she and her husband, Mike, had taken part in a few 10km runs before, but decided it was time to "go a bit further".

Zoe, an advanced teaching assistant at a local primary school, and Mike, a chef in the RAF, are planning to take part in the Liverpool half-marathon on March 19.

"We were undecided on who to raise money for at first," said Zoe.

"We then saw your articles in the paper, and it made perfect sense to raise money for the Guardian Angels Appeal."

Anyone wanting to sponsor Zoe or Mike should phone 01347 844046.

The Guardian Angels appeal aims to transform high-dependency paediatric care on York Hospital's children's ward by funding two life-saving high-dependency rooms with new, specialised equipment. If you want to make a donation, send cheques or postal orders made out to Evening Press Guardian Angels appeal, to Lucy Stephens, Newsroom, Evening Press, 76/86 Walmgate, York, YO1 9YN. Please do not send cash and do not send donations to the hospital direct.

Updated: 11:06 Wednesday, February 15, 2006