A DECISION to merge North Yorkshire Police with three neighbouring forces to create a regional "super force" came under fire today.

Controversial plans to join the North, South and West Yorkshire and Humberside forces were announced by Home Secretary Charles Clarke last night.

He has given each police authority until April 7 to consider his decision. If they do not agree to merge voluntarily, he has the power to force them to go ahead, probably from April 1, 2008.

Mark Botham, the chairman of North Yorkshire's Police Federation, said he was concerned about the "alarming haste" with which the decision had been taken.

He added: "The federation has always argued that the amalgamation process has not been properly costed - and that this may impact upon the taxpayer.

"We believe it is vital if reform is to take place that it is carried out on a basis of service effectiveness, not just financial efficiency.

"The public must be left with an improved, more effective force that is able to provide a better service."

Selby MP John Grogan said he was "very disappointed".

He added: "There are still eight weeks of consultation and I expect there to be a fairly strong reaction in North Yorkshire.

"There will be considerable fears in North Yorkshire that whatever assurances are given in the next few weeks, at some stage in the future there will be a danger of diverting policing resources into the higher crime areas of West and South Yorkshire.

"I certainly won't be supporting it."

City of York MP Hugh Bayley was said his priority was to get more police on to the streets of York.

He said: "If some HQ functions can be combined to release more resources for frontline staff, I would welcome it.

"I think we will get some real benefits from the merger, but it is important for the police to maintain the closest possible links with the City of York Council and other local bodies because fighting crime requires co-ordinated team work."

Harrogate and Knaresborough MP Phil Willis said community policing would suffer.

He added: "Taxpayers will feel bitterly betrayed, and having contributed record sums to swell the coffers of North Yorkshire Police, will now find their money spent elsewhere."

Vale of York MP Anne McIntosh said the decision was "deeply regrettable".

She said: "It is regionalisation through the back door."

Mr Clarke had been considering two options - the other was to create two smaller forces by merging North and West Yorkshire, and Humberside with South Yorkshire.

Police spokesman Ron Johnson said: "North Yorkshire Police Authority and North Yorkshire Police are analysing the detail of the information that has been provided by the Home Secretary this evening. We will consult with our communities and our stakeholders and we will formulate a response which is in the best interests of all aspects of police in North Yorkshire and the city of York."

Ryedale MP John Greenway, who is a former police officer, said: "I'm very disappointed with the outcome.

"There has been no clear demonstration that the rural areas will not miss out. This is just the Government deciding it wants everything to be regional."

'Challenge' for authorities

NORTH Yorkshire Police force has been in existence for more than three decades and employs 1,612 police officers, 1,083 civilian staff and 68 community support officers.

A joint statement from the chief constables and police authorities said they recognised that the decision presented a challenge and needed to consider the "extensive implications" to services, financing, management and accountability of policing across the region.

They added: "Each police authority will then be required to make an informed and considered decision - balancing both individual and regional considerations - as to whether or not they are able to move towards voluntary amalgamation.

"We are aware of the concerns raised by many across the region regarding any proposed merger. We are also aware that this is potentially an unsettling time for those dedicated personnel working hard to provide and support policing services within all four forces."

Updated: 10:18 Wednesday, March 22, 2006