IF Mark Hill thinks cycle lanes in York are badly designed and dangerous (Letters, March 17) then what, as a local councillor, is he doing about it?

A lot of money has been spent on cycle lanes in the area and, if the designated users are not going to use them, they should be removed. I fought for many years to get a cycle path alongside part of the York outer ring road. It is well used but I notice that some professional-type cyclists do not seem to be aware of its presence, preferring to put themselves at risk and hold up other traffic by staying on the road.

The Highway Code is intended to give guidance and advice to all road users, from pedestrians to HGV drivers and this includes cyclists. If one group is to go its own way, then others are put at risk.

Alec Acomb,

Hillcrest Avenue,

Nether Poppleton, York.

Updated: 10:23 Wednesday, March 22, 2006