IN the early 1970s, York was the scene of one of the best-organised and most successful environmental protests ever - the defeat of the inner ring road.

Many people living in York now will find it hard to believe that anyone seriously suggested building a dual carriageway along Gillygate, destroying all the buildings between Gillygate and the Bar Walls, or knocking down fine Georgian buildings in The Mount, opposite Scarcroft Road. But they did.

In years to come, it will seem equally unbelievable that City of York Council could seriously propose building a shopping centre next to one of the finest groups of Grade I-listed buildings in the country - Clifford's Tower and the Castle Museum buildings. But they did, and they still are.

An almost identical scheme was roundly condemned by the inspector at the public enquiry in 2003, which cost York taxpayers an estimated £250,000. The inspector's views, along with those of the public, are again being disregarded.

Councillors will vote on the matter tomorrow and residents are urged to make their views heard.

Ann Petherick,

Scarcroft Hill,


Updated: 10:23 Wednesday, March 22, 2006