THERE could be a little piece of Sri Lanka that is forever marked by a York or North and East Yorkshire business.

Twenty-four sixth formers at Fulford School this summer plan to travel to Sri Lanka to see for themselves the progress made since it was ravaged by the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.

As they roll up their sleeves to help the process, they want businesses in the region to literally get into the picture.

Corporate sponsorship will mean that company logos will appear on images taken by the students who, before they leave, will get detailed guidance from a professional photographer.

Business sponsorship will mean their logos will feature prominently on the images which can then be used for marketing purposes. The pictures will also be paraded on a website.

Mike Mandelbaum, a parent co-ordinating fundraising for the three week trip, which starts on July 21, said: "The students raised more than £20,000 for the tsunami disaster appeal, and now they're following through with this school trip to give hands-on help.

"The total project will cost about £40,000, of which the students' parents have already forked out about £12,000 for flights. All sorts of fundraising, such as literally tearing strips off teachers in leg waxing sessions, cake bakes, a car boot sale at the school on April 2 and a band night at Fibbers of York, planned for May 18, should raise about £15,000.

"That means we have to find another £14,000 and we are hoping that the local business community will back us and see the value of being closely associated with such a fine project.

"Already, Shepherd Building Group has pledged its support."

The school trip is being organised by Madventurer of Newcastle which specialises in offering gap year and school group trips, working overseas on development projects.

Businesses wanting to put their stamp of approval on the project should phone Mr Mandelbaum on 01904 620629, or email

Updated: 10:26 Wednesday, March 22, 2006