"WE will make a decision." That was the message to Arc Light campaigners from City of York Council leader Steve Galloway, as protests begin to grow in the areas shortlisted to possibly house the York homeless centre.

Coun Galloway urged city residents to contribute with "balanced comments" to the consultation, and reiterated a preferred site would be selected on May 2.

He spoke out after the Evening Press reported yesterday how worried residents living around the Union Terrace car park had launched a petition, after learning Arc Light could be relocated there.

The council's executive has decided to press ahead with consultation on four possible new homes for Arc Light - Union Terrace, Marygate and Nunnery Lane car parks, and the former Reynard's Garage, in Piccadilly.

The homeless charity's current home, in Leeman Road, no longer meets its needs. A plan to use the former Shipton Street School, in Clifton, was dropped last September, following a massive local outcry.

Time is of the essence for Arc Light, who could lose more than £1 million in Government funding if a new building is not identified soon.

As well as the campaign in Union Terrace, protests are also growing in Nunnery Lane, with an anonymous leaflet being put through doors of homes in the area urging people to voice their objections to council chief executive David Atkinson.

The leaflet asks people to object on the grounds it is close to All Saints' School, its obstruction of the views of the city walls and it could "affect the desirability of the area, and therefore the values of properties and their rental potential".

Coun Galloway has previously stressed his determination to bring the matter to a conclusion while resources are still available to provide improved facilities for York's homeless population.

Today he said: "We are really just starting on the main consultation period. Anyone in the city can comment, and we hope the comments received will be balanced.

"They will refer to the advantages and disadvantages. Residents will appreciate this is a nettle we are going to have to grasp in terms of making the decision.

"Extensive consultation will take place in the Guildhall and Micklegate wards and the area around Marygate car park. When we have everyone's views, there will be a report and a decision will be made on May 2. It is the quality of the argument put forward which will be critical."

Updated: 09:51 Thursday, March 23, 2006