THESE four-legged crime fighters attracted a lot of attention when they paid a visit to York.

Police horses have become an unusual sight in the county because North Yorkshire Police no longer has a mounted section.

But this team from West Yorkshire Police paid a visit to Clifton as part of a neighbourhood action day on Tuesday.

They patrolled the Clifton estate as a way of making policing more visible to members of the public.

Their police officer riders carried out spot checks on people in the area, which led to them seizing a large quantity of cannabis from a youth.

The horses had already taken part in other action days across the city in January, when they were used to break up groups of youths congregating on the streets at night. They are usually used to calm people down in situations where there are large crowds of people and particularly enjoy going to the football.

Updated: 09:56 Thursday, March 23, 2006