I REALLY must take issue with a comment made by Maxine Gordon in her restaurant review in Saturday's Evening Press (March 18).

What on earth is "a vegetarian that eats fish"? There is no such thing!

Vegetarians do not eat the flesh of any animal on land or in water. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat eggs and dairy products, providing that cheese is made with non-animal rennet. Lacto vegetarians do not eat eggs.

Vegans do not eat anything that is derived from an animal. There is a term "pescetarian" that some use to describe someone who does not eat the flesh of a land animal but who will eat fish, shellfish etc. But they do not fool themselves into thinking that they are vegetarians.

Lesley Lickley,

Wheatlands Grove,


Updated: 10:46 Thursday, March 23, 2006