WE have today received the council tax demand for 2006-2007, and have noted that the Huntington Parish Council part has increased by a whopping 11.67 per cent, the largest of any of the York parishes.

Can someone tell me why this is, and also why Huntington has the largest budget of all the parishes, even bigger than Haxby?

What do we get for this amount?

Certainly not street lighting, the lights are very few and far between where I live.

My partner and I are both in receipt of retirement pensions which certainly have not risen by 11 per cent, or even five per cent, which is the overall percentage rise. What with the increases in gas and electricity prices, this means that once again we will have to cut down on essentials in order to pay the council tax.

Jeanette McLaren,

Broome Way,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 10:48 Thursday, March 23, 2006