MANY of the points that Philip Crowe makes will be dealt with by the public inquiry into the plans for Heslington East starting on April 25 ("New campus unsustainable", Letters, March 21).

But he cannot get away with his assertion that "not many" of the new students and employees it will attract will be local.

A substantial number of the additional students will be from the York and North Yorkshire areas, while the majority of new university jobs created in the expanded campus will be taken by people already living locally.

In addition, the university is putting a huge amount of work into putting a place a sustainable transport infrastructure for Heslington East to build on the already substantial numbers of staff and students who walk, cycle or use public transport to get to and from the campus.

Professor Janet Ford,

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for estates,

University of York,



Updated: 10:48 Thursday, March 23, 2006