I READ with interest John Galvin's latest letter asking for an explanation of the advantages to residents of York of the "super bus".

Normally following this sort of request, the commercial company involved, a council spokesperson, not forgetting the elected members, are usually fighting to lead the applause for all their efforts.

I've waited - and waited - and still no response.

Could it be that at long last our elected representatives are waking up to the fact that yet again they are going to be required to use our taxes to sponsor yet another white elephant?

Another pollution-spouting, pavement-damaging monstrosity, whose sole purpose will be to create even more traffic chaos for local residents who are unable for a variety of reasons to use public transport.

Apart from the usual rush-hour traffic, existing single decker buses rarely hold more than half a dozen passengers, so why should my hard-earned pension be used to subsidise a wealthy bus company?

Liz Edge,

Parkside Close,


Updated: 10:49 Thursday, March 23, 2006