THE public inquiry into plans to expand the University of York's campus could run into September, it has been revealed.

The four weeks set aside for the inquiry - which is due to start next month - may not be long enough to hear all the objections and observations from interested parties.

Because of other commitments by key figures, such as barristers, the inquiry could not simply continue into a fifth and sixth week, said Mike Slater, City of York Council's assistant director of planning and sustainable development.

He told an executive meeting it would instead have to be reconvened in September for up to another fortnight.

But the news was greeted with dismay from council leader Steve Galloway, who said any such delay would be "unacceptable".

He said: "We cannot afford to have public inquiries drifting on for month after month after month."

He called for every effort by the planning inquiry to ensure it finished within the original four-week timescale.

He suggested preparation work could be done at weekends by the inquiry inspector, rather than on the Mondays of each week, so the inquiry could sit five days a week.

Councillors raised concerns that if the inquiry did have to run into September, the costs to the council of this and York's other big public inquiry of 2006 - into the Derwenthorpe and Germany Beck housing schemes - could rise above the current overall estimate of £500,000.

But Coun Galloway said it would not rise above this figure, and Mr Slater said every endeavour would be made to ensure it did not.

A university spokesman said today that while it would do what it could to assist the completion of the inquiry within four weeks, it recognised it would be prudent to set aside additional time.

He said: "Nevertheless, we are confident that it will have no impact on the timing of the overall decision by the Secretary of State. We still anticipate that will be announced by the end of the year."

Meanwhile, Mr Slater revealed the inquiry might occasionally sit on an evening, to allow people at work during the day to attend.

Updated: 10:45 Thursday, March 23, 2006