NINE-MAN Cross Keys were thanking their goalkeeper for keeping the score down in a mind-blowing 20-0 thrashing by Dunnington Reserves in division two of the York and District Sunday Afternoon League.

All of the Dunnington starting 11 ended up on the score sheet apart from Paul Downing, and it was 9-0 at half-time. Lukas Genever and Paul Gordon got four each, Grant Bulmer, Matthew Cowan, Matthew Davies and Kester Witt rattled in a brace apiece and Jonathan Downing, Steven Player, Joshua Tattersall and Chris Walker hit solos.

Gimcrack and Rose & Crown played two games back-to-back, with Rose & Crown winning both 4-3.

The double take started as Shaun Day, David Rees, Kris Whitehead and Clayton Davis secured Rose and Crown's first triumph, then Rees (2), David Scott and Damon Scott scored in the reverse.

Knavesmire led 1-0 at half-time before hosts Wigginton Grasshoppers piled in four from Mitch Buckley, Nathan Green and Tom Beattie (2). Stuart Dickenson got Knavesmire's opener.

In division one, Clifton ran five past Melbourne, who replied through Greg Nesbitt and Matthew Beevers. Clifton's scorers were William Allan, James Barnes (2) and Darren Brandon (2).

James Dawson and George Cooper clawed the scoreline back for Wills Bar at home to St Johns College, but the students were already three-up through Ryan Davies (2) and Simon Jacob.

Updated: 10:31 Friday, March 24, 2006