SOME may call it "grassing" but that is not the case at all.

A secondary school pupil was carrying drugs. Perhaps she thought this would impress her classmates, perhaps she hoped to seem big, a bit dangerous or "grown up".

Instead, the girl ended up being searched, arrested and excluded from Tadcaster Grammar School. This happened in large part because other pupils reported her to the head teacher, who called in the police.

It takes guts for young people to tell on one of their own, especially because school life can be about wanting to be part of the gang.

Fortunately, the pupils who reported their classmate showed the courage to do what they instinctively felt was right. They were not splitting on a mate, but protecting themselves and their friends from the potential dangers of drugs.

There are two possible reactions to this latest evidence of drug use among secondary school pupils in the York area. One: how alarming it is to see, once again, that young people appear to be able to buy drugs all too readily. Two: young people do have a sense of morality and will act for the common good.

It is also worth remembering that, although cannabis is now tolerated to a degree in society, it remains a powerful drug that can seriously damage young people.

The pupils who spoke out against their cannabis-carrying friend were doing everyone a favour and deserve our praise.

Updated: 09:56 Friday, March 24, 2006