THIS weekend those of us lucky enough to have mothers will honour them with flowers, treats or gifts.

Those of us lucky enough to have gardens will be out sifting the (hopefully) warm crumbly earth between our fingers.

Those of us lucky enough to have access to the countryside will be rambling about looking for new-born lambs.

Those of us who support the campaign for a just peace in Palestine will be marking Land Day, March 26. This is the day that Palestinians throughout the world assert their nation's roots in the land from which Israel has driven too many.

Land Day reminds us that the international community has since 1948 declared that Palestinian refugees have a right of return (United Nations resolution 194) and we have a responsibility to implement it.

Land Day also reminds us that Israel is still, every day by building and by bureaucracy, illegally dispossessing Palestinians from their land.

Generation after generation of Palestinians has now been cruelly separated from their countryside, from their soil, from the land which they love, the land they honour as their mother.

Do something about it this weekend - come to our stall in Parliament Street, York, on Saturday, between 1pm and 3 pm, and/or write to your MP in protest.

Nicholas Hall,

York branch, Palestine Solidarity Campaign,

Windmill Way,



Updated: 09:52 Friday, March 24, 2006