YORK City Knights' final score at Hull KR last week was disappointing, especially after the first 38 minutes when we more than competed.

The sin-binning of Tom Dunmore proved crucial and also having played on Wednesday night in heavy conditions was bound to take its toll against a powerful full-time side.

More worrying was the Knights' support (or lack of it). The crowd was 2,649. The crowd for Hull KR's last game against a second division side, Featherstone Rovers, was 3,130.

At Halifax last Wednesday, I thought the Knights turn-out was very good for a weekday game on a very cold night, but I am beginning to wonder if this was because we were expected to win.

If so-called supporters will not travel to Hull because we will probably lose, does it mean the team will have poor support at Widnes, Leigh, Halifax etc?

Knights supporters havehad three seasons of winning probably 75 per cent of games. I do not want to stay in division two winning loads of games, but not quite getting promoted.

It is time to wake up and realise that the players need even more support now to survive in division one. We need to consolidate for a few seasons, all of which cannot be done without increased income from fans and sponsors.

The last home game against Sheffield had very little atmosphere. The only noise you could here was people moaning about getting in the bar.

So starting with Featherstone at home tomorrow, let's hear the drum banging.

Those people who go for a Sunday afternoon snooze should come along, go mad and join in the singing and contribute to creating an atmosphere that helps the players.

Colin Brown

Crinan Court,



Updated: 08:58 Saturday, March 25, 2006