HERE comes the Sheriff - seeking just one man. Sheriff Hutton Football Club's plans for a grand reunion of team players, officials and fans who contributed to and revelled in the team's runaway successes of the 1960s and 1970s are well in hand.

The April 15 event on Easter Saturday at 7.30pm at the Cottage Inn in Haxby will be attended by more than 90 people with former players travelling from as far afield as Brighton, Wales, Peterborough and Durham.

But organiser Barrie Shipley explained that just one player from those Hutton halcyon days remains out of contact. He is former centre-half Roy Lofkin, who was a mainstay of the latter stages of club success.

Lofkin, who also played for Huby in the York Sunday League, had a wife named Ginny, said Shipley, but as yet no-one has managed to track his current whereabouts.

If anyone has any information about the elusive Lofkin they can contact Shipley on York 761809.

Shipley added that a near complete record of the Sheriff Hutton club has now been compiled and a variety of old photographs and reports will be available to view on the night at the Cottage Inn, where a carvery meal is also available.

He added that should the reunion be successful it could prove a yearly event.

Updated: 08:49 Saturday, March 25, 2006