"MIRACLES do happen". So said Ann Rose Spadone after she tied the knot with Bernadino for the second time - on what would have been their 43rd wedding anniversary.

The couple, of South Bank, York, divorced in 1988 but could not stay apart and have been living together for the past 16 years.

But they decided to make their union legal once more and married at York Register Office in front of their delighted children.

"We're so excited - it proves that miracles do happen," their son, Giuseppe, said.

"It was a very sad time when they got divorced but dad never gave up and fought to win her back."

Anne Rose, 62, said: "Even when we were apart, we kept in contact for the sake of our children, but we ended up feeling as if we were still married.

"We couldn't live without each other and soon realised it was easy to be married and really difficult to be divorced.

"I think it is partly to do with us both being Catholics, who don't recognise divorce, and we felt as if we should still be together."

The couple met for the first time when Bernardino, known to his family as Dino, came to York from Italy in the 1960s to work in catering.

"We met on a night out in York and were soon inseparable," said Anne Rose, and the couple married at St Wilfrid's Roman Catholic Church on March 23, 1963.

"It was only a quiet ceremony because we had a baby and that was frowned upon in those days, so there was just the two of us and two witnesses," said Anne Rose. "But it was still romantic."

The couple bought their own home in the Wigginton Road area and Dino worked in restaurants, clubs and hotels while his wife brought up their six children, Giuseppe, Maddalena, Giancarlo, Dominic, Dario and Bernadino jnr.

But the couple went through a rocky patch. Constant rows led to them splitting up and divorcing and the family home was sold.

"The two youngest children came with me, but still saw their father regularly, and because we were in contact all the time, we remained close," said Anne Rose.

Eventually they were reunited and bought a new home, settling down as if they had never been apart.

But they worried about tying the knot a second time - in case it ruined their perfect happiness.

"We already felt married before God anyway," said Anne Rose. "But eventually we realised we ought to have a civil service to make it legal.

"It will certainly be forever this time."

During the short ceremony the couple, who have nine grandchildren, said a few words about their 44 years together and poems were read out.

"I will never forget the day - it was just perfect," Bernadino said.

Afterwards the family enjoyed a reception at York Brewery and the couple set off for their honeymoon in the bride's home town of Tynemouth, Northumberland.

Updated: 09:17 Saturday, March 25, 2006