VILLAGERS with time on their hands are being urged to play their part in the community by helping to spread the news.

The Evening Press is appealing for residents in Leavening who do not have their own news outlet to step forward and help serve their community.

The opportunity has arisen for residents to become house agents, which involves taking delivery of the Evening Press and then taking them out to readers within their village.

House agents will be asked to spread the word about the new service to neighbours and other members of the community - with the help of leaflets - saving them a drive of several miles to the nearest outlet.

Barry Sellers, circulation manager at the Press, said: "Residents have been phoning us and asking how they can get the Evening Press, so we know there's a demand for the service.

"By becoming house agents, people will get the pleasure of serving their community by providing a rewarding service and meeting people."

For information, including the house agent's reward, or to become a house agent phone Sammie Freer on 01904 567286 or email

Updated: 09:27 Saturday, March 25, 2006