COUNCIL chiefs in York are "optimistic" that most services will operate on Tuesday - despite the planned strike by local authority workers.

City of York Council said it hoped to be able to run the "majority" of its functions when members of the public service union Unison walk out in defence of pension rights.

Unison claims its action will close all council buildings and could affect many schools, but council bosses said the full picture was not yet clear.

The strike has been called jointly by Unison nationally and all 11 other local government unions following overwhelming ballot results in favour.

The union is outraged at the Government's proposals to change the local government pension scheme, including the abolition of the 85-year-rule - which adds up years of service and age when considering pension entitlements at retirement, allowing some workers to retire early yet still receive full payments.

Unison said pickets would be out from the early morning, with a Hands Off Our Pensions rally planned for 12.30pm outside the Guildhall, in St Helen's Square.

Ben Drake, Unison branch secretary said: "Our members have been reluctantly forced to vote for strike action because of the Government's intransigence.

"We're angry at the double-standard where civil servants, teachers and health workers have rightly had their right to retire protected, but we're excluded.

"Our members deliver vital services every day, from support in nurseries to care for the elderly - why should we be the poor relations? Everyone deserves a fair pension."

A City of York Council spokeswoman said: "We are still waiting for Unison to agree the exceptions to protect vulnerable customers.

"However, we are optimistic that the majority of council services will be in operation on Tuesday. Once we have the information from Unison, we'll be able to give a fuller picture."

The action will also affect other councils throughout North and East Yorkshire. Local authority buildings in Selby will be closed, while in Ryedale, councillors are warning there may be disruption to bin collections and other services.

In Selby, the strike will mean the Town Hall, in York Street, and Selby Community Centre, in Scott Road, will be closed.

The council-run cemetery in Westfield Road will be open to the public, but no staff will be on duty.

In Ryedale, council buildings will be closed to the public, but it will be possible to make telephone inquiries by calling the usual switchboard number of 01653 600666.

Ryecare, the telephone helpline service for elderly residents, will also be available.

Updated: 09:32 Saturday, March 25, 2006