IN his attack on York Unison, D Wardell wheels out some tired old arguments against unions doing anything to defend their members' interests (Letters, March 20).

Many people would perhaps date the ills he blames on unions to Mrs Thatcher's time in office - it was her government, for example, which surrendered control of "our" gas and electricity to global corporations.

Mr Wardell ignores the real reasons for next week's strike. The vicious attacks on workers' pensions are motivated by profit, even though there is sufficient money to allow us all to enjoy our retirement and old age in comfort and dignity.

These attacks on pensions are being carried out in many industries, in both the public and private sectors, and are happening whether companies are British-owned or not.

The Government refuses to do anything to help beyond its less-than-useful suggestion that we must all work into our 70s, so Unison is right to take action.

Frank Ormston,

Waverley Street, York.

Updated: 16:26 Friday, March 24, 2006