YORK RUFC's 25-19 victory at Goole was rather more tortuous than the respective Yorkshire One positions would suggest, writes Chris Houseman.

However, it enabled York to step up to fifth position as a result of Pontefract's defeat by Old Crossleyans.

Both teams contributed to a lively start and the hosts took an early lead when fly-half James Ruhmann converted the last of two long range penalties.

Debutant Ian Bartlett soon had York on terms with a neat penalty kick then York's influential centre Sam Arkle made a strong break just inside the Goole half. A simple transfer sent right wing Billy Cankaunitabua racing to the line where Bartlett, displaying a fine boot throughout, made an excellent conversion.

Goole were putting in a gritty performance based on determined forward play and Ruhmann clawed back three points with a penalty kick but Goole were caught out when an attack down the right saw York wing man Rob Kama intercept and sprint 55 metres to the corner. Bartlett could not convert

Another Ruhmann penalty kept the homesters in the game and they benefited when York's Ian Davies was sin-binned at a time when Goole were gaining ascendancy.

They used the advantage to set up camp on the York line where prop Mike Crawford burrowed over the line and Ruhmann converted to take his side to a 16-15 interval lead.

Ruhmann stretched their lead with another penalty and York were losing their shape as they resorted to long ball line outs in windy conditions after Grant Williams had enjoyed significant first half possession at the front of the line.

York also over kicked so that Goole were able to enjoy possession and exert pressure but the superiority of York's outsides showed when a flowing move, sparked by a Cory Wallace pass, sent Cankaunitabua weaving down the right, with fly-half Graham Smith following up for the score in the corner for a one point lead.

A dropped pass in the home centres enabled Sam Arkle to collect and race into space. A quick feed to Cankaunitabua produced the score and a York victory which was probably merited with a four to one try count but, at times, it was a close run contest

York play Sandal in a Yorkshire Cup match at Clifton Park on Wednesday, April 5 (7pm kick-off).

Updated: 11:03 Monday, March 27, 2006