COUNCILLORS are set to vote on the latest bid for a controversial, multi-million pound development in the heart of Selby - and planners are recommending the scheme be approved.

Developers Dransfield Properties have submitted a revised application for a £16 million scheme to extend the town's Morrison's supermarket.

The plan - which would see three shops built on land occupied by Selby Abbey School and the Abbey Vaults pub - will be discussed at the district council's planning committee on Wednesday.

Dr David Moss, secretary of the town's Civic Society, which led opposition to the scheme, said he will urge councillors to reject the plan.

He said: "We are still very much against the plan and we shall be at the meeting. We are hoping to speak against it.

"We will be objecting primarily to the demolition of the Abbey Vaults and the Abbey School, although we still oppose the entire plan.

"We do not think that the application has demonstrated the necessity for demolishing the school or that it cannot be used for other beneficial uses."

Selby Town Council also lodged objections to the scheme, saying it would increase the number of cars in the town centre and heavy delivery vehicles could cause traffic problems.

Another application has been submitted to the meeting that sets out the plan to demolish the pub and school.

A plan to build a new school in the car park behind the Civic Centre - to allow the main development to take place - was given the green light by county councillors in January.

Mark Dransfield, managing director of Dransfield Properties, said: "We've made significant changes to the plans for the town centre to take on board the wishes and concerns of the people of Selby.

"We respect the wishes of the local stakeholders and now await the elected members' decision at Wednesday's committee."

A previous application for the site was thrown out by councillors in August because it would have seen the Bowling Green recreation ground buried beneath asphalt.

They also said the replacement of the school and open space by shops would be harmful to Selby's character.

Updated: 11:42 Monday, March 27, 2006