Every day we are told that the NHS is short of cash and life threatening operations are not being carried out because of the shortage of money. Not forgetting the closure of wards etcetera.

I was astounded to read in the Press (March 23) that NHS officials are alleged to have suggested that children classed as obese may be offered stomach surgery, to help reduce their size, which can be a complicated and serious and is not cheap.

Surely this is not the way to go. Some parents have been reported to have dealt with the problem themselves and so should the others. Make them eat healthily and exercise a bit more. The NHS has more important health situations to deal with.

J Beisly,

Osprey Close, York.

RE fat chance, (March 23) - overweight kids should eat a more balanced diet, and should cut down on processed, high salt, high sugar foods and exercise more often. And the idea of a child having stomach surgery must be the last resort to reducing weight. First and foremost the child's diet is a responsibility of their parent or guardian.

The thought of having to resort to surgery in order to control body weight is depressing.

I would think that having to go through this experience alone would be enough to encourage them to get fit and go to a gym or take up a sporting activity.

Terry Smith,

Fourth Avenue,

Heworth, York.

Updated: 09:45 Monday, March 27, 2006