I would like to clarify the position regarding Chris Wood's comments in the Diary (March 23).

The fact that there are no yellow lines in place on the highway does not mean that parking is legal.

All highways in this country are available only for the purposes of 'passing and re-passing' and anything that stops anyone exercising that right is classed as an obstruction.

Yellow lines are used as a simple way of enforcing the core law on obstruction and enable the highway authority to issue Penalty Charge Notices to those committing an offence.

They also remind people not to cause an obstruction and avoid the use of stronger enforcement measures.

Obstruction of the highway is something that can result in an unlimited fine and imprisonment. If anyone were to take Chris Wood's advice and park on Lendal Bridge, they will not get a Penalty Charge Notice, but they could get arrested, their vehicle could be towed away and they would have to appear in court.

Without a lawful reason (broken down, etc.) the fine would be many times greater than that required with a PCN.

Peter Evely,

Head of Network


City of York Council,

St Leonard's Place, York.

Updated: 09:47 Monday, March 27, 2006