A LOVE of children and a willingness to help others could see one York woman named as the city's volunteer of the year.

Shirley Craven has been nominated for the title in the York Community Pride Awards, run by the Evening Press in conjunction with City of York Council.

Shirley works as a volunteer nursery assistant at the Stepping Stones Toddler Group, at the Rock Church in Priory Street, and also carries out regular chaplaincy visits to the maternity wards at York Hospital.

She was nominated by her sister-in-law, Pat Craven, who wrote: "Shirley Craven is one of the most unselfish people I have ever met. She always has time for people; her door is never closed. The whole ethos of her home is to make whoever knocks at the door extremely welcome.

"Meals are shared with people who turn up, even when they haven't much food or money. She is always positive and encouraging and makes you feel you are the most important person on the planet."

Shirley has helped out at the nursery every Tuesday for the past ten to 15 years, helping to look after children from newborns up to five-year-olds.

She said: "I help take the singing and do all the actions for the songs and have a bit of fun. We play with the cuddly toys and just entertain them." Shirley's work with so many mothers and children means she is a well-known face throughout the city.

Pat wrote: "When walking anywhere in York, she seems to know everyone and if she spots someone, stops to bring them a word of encouragement or whatever else is needed."

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Updated: 11:48 Monday, March 27, 2006