A DRIVER ran over a policeman as the officer talked to witnesses after a fight outside a Selby district pub.

The vicious attack happened outside the Bay Horse pub, in York Road, Barlby.

Police were called to the pub at about 10pm on Sunday, following reports of a fight outside the pub.

While officers were taking witness statements, two men started to leave the scene in a car and a male officer tried to stop the vehicle.

The driver then rammed the car at PC Vince Maltby, who only escaped serious injury because he threw himself on to the bonnet - avoiding the crushing impact of the vehicle's bumper.

The driver's side window was smashed in a struggle afterwards and shards of glass were thrown into the policeman's face before the pair fled the scene.

The officer suffered bruising to his legs and minor injuries to his face from the glass.

Sergeant Neil Drummond, of Selby police, said: "It is a serious matter that CID is conducting an investigation into.

"They have attempted to run this officer over and it is only through the quick thinking of the officer that he avoided serious injury.

"They have shown total disregard for the officer's safety and not thought through the consequences of their actions.

"It could have resulted in far more serious injuries."

Selby police launched a large-scale search for the men in the early hours of the morning following the incident.

Officers found the vehicle allegedly used in the assault on the A163 in North Duffield shortly after the attack.

They arrested one man found walking on the same road.

Another vehicle was stopped when it was leaving the village at about 3.20am and a second man was arrested.

The two men who were arrested have both been released on police bail.

Police are asking any witnesses to either attack to phone Selby CID on 0845 6060247.

Updated: 09:32 Tuesday, March 28, 2006