YOUR correspondent Jeanette McLaren asks what services she is getting for her parish precept (March 23).

She may be unaware that Huntington Parish Council is the owner of three village halls/community centres and is responsible for the maintenance of the fabric of these buildings.

It is also responsible for the development and maintenance of three children's play areas, which are subject to ever-more stringent safety inspections, with consequent remedial action costs.

In addition, over the last few years Huntington Parish Council, with a clear mandate from the residents as a result of public consultations over the fourth set of changes to the local plan, has defended the Green Belt against developers, most recently at the Monks Cross North public inquiry.

The professional advice we obtain to enable us to succeed in this is not cheap. But we can provide all these services and many more for 50p a week to Band D property owners.

Clive Woolley,

Chairman, Huntington Parish Council,

Mill Hill Drive,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 09:19 Tuesday, March 28, 2006