IT is interesting and sad to watch the death throes of the Odeon Cinema in York.

The latest reference in the Evening Press, relating to the theatre being cold (March 25), reminds me of those distant days when as a child, I, and many like me would sit through a Saturday morning matinee in freezing temperatures eating ice-cream that would never thaw out, in seats borrowed from the dungeon at the Castle Museum, watching black- and-white cowboys and Indians shoot each other without a drop of blood to be seen, or a four letter word to be heard.

I would like to think that the Odeon could continue, but then, I would like to think those halcyon days were here now for the kids of today to enjoy.

Sadly time moves on, and I fear just like my recollections of days past, the Odeon itself will soon become just a memory.

Steve Plows,

Merchant Street,

Peterhead, Aberdeenshire.

Updated: 09:20 Tuesday, March 28, 2006