THE article regarding the Castle Piccadilly planning brief claimed that citizens wanted "a larger public open space created in the shadow of the tower. The proposals were later thrown out by the Government" (March 23).

While the first part is undoubtedly true, and that the York Tomorrow plan for green and open space between Clifford's Tower and the River Foss was hugely popular, it was not thrown out by the Government.

The York Tomorrow proposal was rejected by City of York Council which only worships the gods of retail and has scant disregard for York's heritage or its citizens.

An appeal against the council's decision to reject the "Castle Park" plan was never heard by the Government planning inspector due to intimidation of York Tomorrow and threats of financial ruin by the City of York Council's barrister.

Dave Taylor,

New Walk Terrace, York.

Updated: 09:20 Tuesday, March 28, 2006