HAVE those who plan the retail developments in York got the balance right?

As an older citizen of the area, I am sure I am far from alone in wondering where we can find the kind of shop which sells fashions for our age group. At present we have about five or six shops in York to choose from, whereas every few metres there is a trendy shop for the younger generation.

Recently we have seen Littlewoods close, to be replaced by another New Look and newly-built shops for H&M and Zara.

I also read something about more designer shops waiting to come to York (March 20). Yet more of the same thing I suppose.

Surely city planners must realise that visitors to York are not all young with pots of money, neither are all the residents by any means. So please can we have a better balance when future plans are under consideration?

Jean Frost,

Elmpark Way,


Updated: 09:22 Tuesday, March 28, 2006