PROTESTERS against one of the proposed new sites for the Arc Light Centre are to step up their campaign by petitioning locals.

City of York Council is currently consulting on a shortlist of four possible new homes for Arc Light: Union Terrace, Marygate and Nunnery Lane car parks, and the former Reynard's Garage in Piccadilly.

Last night dozens of residents were at a public meeting at York's Moat Hotel to protest against the proposed Nunnery Lane car park site.

Now locals in the area are starting a petition against this potential location. They are holding another meeting on Monday next week to give more locals a chance to air their views.

Andy Chase, secretary of the Nunnery Lane Residents' Association, said at the meeting: "Nunnery Lane does not meet the criteria they (the council) have set down.

"I think there are serious issues about siting it here."

Afterwards, he added: "We're not trying to denigrate it - it isn't an appropriate site."

Another local, Neil Ward, said: "I think the Arc Light is an incredibly valuable project.

"It's vital to give people a room to recover their lives.

"I think the council is totally irresponsible in the way it organised the development of this project.

"It fouled up the last time, now it's rushing this through at the last minute."

A leaflet has already been put through doors in the area, urging people to voice their objections to council chief executive David Atkinson.

It asks people to protest on the grounds the proposed site is close to All Saints' School, its obstruction of the views of the city walls, and that it could affect property values.

A protest campaign against another of the shortlisted sites in Union Terrace is also growing, with a petition already launched there.

Council chief Steve Galloway, responding to claims the decision was being rushed through, said: "The consultation on the four options has only just started."

He said leaflets would be delivered to households in the Micklegate and Guildhall wards this weekend, and there would be a public ward meeting which would give residents a chance to ask questions. Comments could also be made on the council's website.

If a new building for Arc Light is not identified soon, the project could lose more than £1 million in Government funding.

The Nunnery Lane protest meeting is being held at 7pm, at All Saints' School, on April 3. Access will be through the Nunnery Lane entrance.

Residents and parents of children at local schools will be welcomed.

The ward meeting is being held at 7pm, on April 10.

A preferred site is due to be selected on May 2.

Updated: 09:54 Wednesday, March 29, 2006