A TRIO of York College pupils will be assisting former World Cup final official Mark Warren at an international match on Monday.

Football League referee Warren, who was a linesman during the 1998 World Cup final between France and Brazil, will have 18-year-olds Jamie Illing, Chris Pratt and Paul Tomes as his assistants and fourth official when he takes charge of the England v Wales Under-18 Colleges game at Telford United.

National diploma in sport student Tomes is already a level five referee, allowing him to officiate UniBond League fixtures, while A-level pupils Illing and Pratt have reached level seven standard.

Former York City striker Gordon Staniforth, who is York College's Football Development Centre co-ordinator and an English Colleges coach, said: "This is a great opportunity for the students to officiate at an international match. All three have excellent temperaments and working with Mark Warren should give them valuable experience in their ambition to be top-flight referees."

Updated: 11:01 Wednesday, March 29, 2006