A VILLAGE near Selby was in shock today after a schoolgirl was allegedly raped in a broad daylight attack.

The alleged assault on the 13-year-old girl took place between 9am and 10am on Saturday, in Escrick.

Police are investigating the report that the girl was attacked by an 18-year-old man in a disused brick outhouse in the grounds of the village's primary school, in Main Street.

The shed, in a former orchard to the rear of the school, is close to a playground which is a popular meeting place for the village's teenagers.

Escrick resident Ian Moore, 45, said the whole village was "aghast" at the shocking assault.

He said: "This is not inner-city Leeds, this is Escrick.

"When we found out what had happened, we were shocked. It just does not happen here."

Another resident, who did not wish to be named, said there had been problems with youngsters, but said she was "stunned" by the attack. She said: "Like any village we have had a few problems with teenagers but I am stunned.

"I think a bit of trouble is just starting in Escrick now, but a rape is a completely different matter.

"It is just shocking. It is just awful to have happened in broad daylight. I am disgusted."

A 33-year-old mother-of-one, who lives nearby, said: "I find it really shocking. It is a quiet village where everybody knows everybody else.

"I have lived here for four years now and it completely surprises me. It is a very friendly community and nothing much happens around here."

An 18-year-old man has been arrested and released on police bail and a police investigation is continuing.

Detective Sergeant Maria Taylor, of Selby Police, said: "We are not looking to anybody else and the suspect is known to the victim.

"It is just a one-off attack in the street and it is not something that the public in Escrick need to be worried about."

Updated: 09:44 Wednesday, March 29, 2006