I TOO took great interest in the tree that went missing in Eason View (Letters, March 18). All that is left is what appears to be a healthy stump.

As Mr Kenyon says, could this have been removed due to a new bus stop and the near arrival of the FTR bus? Surely not.

I have been in talks since June 2005 with City of York Council about the removal of a tree root which has damaged my boundary wall and that of the neighbouring property.

The council asked for a tree report from an arboricultural contractor with a cost to ourselves of £450 - to reinforce what we had already informed them.

The council has told me to cut the root myself, but the main problem root is buried in the council-owned footpath.

As soon as we dig up the footpath, the council will be round to prosecute us for damaging its property.

We have spent a considerable amount of time and money on building our wall.

We could have made money from sightseers who pass by and say, "has the council not sorted things out yet?".

If Mr Kenyon thinks the Eason View tree is because of the bus and new bus stop, is there any chance of the FTR coming through Malvern Avenue?

Then the offending tree will become top priority with City of York Council.

Keith Sykes,

Malvern Avenue,

Acomb, York.

Updated: 11:17 Wednesday, March 29, 2006